MTK's experts are at the forefront of the engineering sector regulatory compliance and environmental issues.

Health & Safety

Effective management of health and safety is essential and integral to the firm’s overall business performance.


MTK's approach is that we show consideration for the balance of nature and maintain biological diversity.


Identify the life cycle assessment of projects to enhance resource flow and reduce waste.


Our sustainability goals extend across our company and influence everything we do — from onshore to offshore surveying to the various facets of our engineering solutions. We built our sustainability program on four guiding pillars:

  • Integration
  • Optimization
  • Empowerment
  • Collaboration








Emergency Preparedness

In our health and safety procedures, we strive to reduce risk as much as practically possible. MTK has established an effective emergency response system to curtail all activities that may pose any form of danger or accidents.


MTK is a safe workplace, where the goal is to prevent any kind of harm. All who work for us – our employees, hired personnel, and contractors – shall be able to perform their work in an environment where the emphasis is on the safety of all individuals in the workplace.